
The aims of the Foundation according to the charter.
The Foundation is a non-profit organization and exclusively pursues social solidarity in the scientific research of psychiatric sciences, psychology and neurosciences, thus promoting the improvement of the quality of life, through cultural, social and environmental development.
2. To this end, the Foundation will:
– Develop relationships with other Italian and foreign cultural centers and with relevant national and international public bodies in order to promote the activities of the Foundation;
– Promote the publication and divulgation of scientific and cultural works in the psychiatrical and  psychological field . The above activities will be carried out both in Italy and abroad;
– Prepare and disclose information material to stimulate the cultural advancement of knowledge in psychiatry, psychology and neurosciences;
– Collaborate with the media to divulgate correct information about the cultural advances in psychiatry, psychology and neurosciences;
– Attend EC, Italian or regional proclamations for the implementation of project  studies and researches over psychiatry, psychology and neurosciences;
– Establish scholarships and research awards;
– Promote and organize events, conferences, meetings, publishing the relative records or documents and participating to all the appropriate initiatives and events for an organic and stable contact between the Foundation, the operators and the public;
– Conduct activities designed for the events or seminars in the areas of interest of the Foundation;
– Participate to conferences, seminars and courses, including international events, intended as a tool of training and development of psychiatry, psychology and neurosciences. Attend moments of elaboration of original ideas, concepts and proposals for the enrichment of scientific culture;
– Carry out directly-related or ancillary marketing activities in order to pursue its institutional goals, marketing activities, trough newspapers, magazines, video ads and the  web;
– Stipulate agreements and contracts for the outsourcing of part of the activities as well as for specific studies and consultations;
– Promote the development of any initiative aimed to let the third party usage of its activities as well as specific studies and consultations;
– Stipulate agreements with national or international, public or private bodies in order to achieve the purpose of the foundation.
– Exert marginal and non-profit commercial activities for self-financing. In that case ,the foundation must comply with the administrative and fiscal regulations and permitted by law. The above activities will be carried out by the Foundation through professionals’ services, in membership or not with the foundation.
– Promote the establishment of a plafond permanently bound to the aims of the foundation and with the above rules;
– Can promote fund rising activities for the realization of its projects and initiatives;
3. The Foundation may also carry out all the activities related to the charter, as far as an integration and always consistent with its non-profit nature.  It is prohibited to enterprise activities different from the institutional ones except for those that are directly related to them.
It follows a statement taken from our charter. You can ask for it contacting our email address.